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Thoughts & Inspiration

Growing in the Farmer´s Market

After being delayed one hour from an amazing display of God´s handiwork by a tremendous rainstorm, we headed out for our prayer walk. Our primary focus was to find a woman named Amelia who we encountered yesterday.  She asked we come to her house today and pray with her after work.  The only problem was, we did not have an address but an approximate vicinity in the barrio. After walking up and down the various streets of the projects and calling her name out, we did not find her but did find two amazing families.  The first was a local farmer who grew every vegetable under the sun and had a beautiful display of fruits and vegetables in his family´s fruit stand.  His wife had a cast on her arm.  Upon leaving we asked if we could pray for them.  They said,”Si!  Por Favor!” (Yes! Please!) They called for their entire family and we all held hands.  Sylvia prayed in English and I translated the prayer in Spanish.  When the prayer ended this most precious family asked if they could pray for us, which they did.  It was the most beautiful sound and expression of love.  After leaving this family we found a grandma and great grandma taking care of two small children.  We offered them shoes for the baby and they were most grateful and also accepted a prayer of blessing over them.  Once again we were priviledged to pray in English and translate it in Spanish for them.  I was touched beyond words how gracious and humble the Ticos are.  I came back from the prayer walk with a heart filled with gratitude.  How great is our God that He can reach beyond words and touch our hearts through His people.  We are blessed to be here.

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