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i asked two people from the group to share how their trip had gone thus far. here is what they had to say…

My name is Caitlyn Dawson and im in costa rica on my first missions trip. i´ve encountered God in such an amazing way and i’ve only been here four days. He has opened my eyes to how limitless his love and glory is. At first, i was scared about the language barrier, but God broke through that, and we were able to speak with our love. i’ve had the oppourtunity to use the gift God gave me to lead worship in spanish, even though i’ve never spoken a word of spanish in my life. 
Everytime i have to do something outside of my comfort zone, the lord gives me insurrpassable peace. God’s hand is so apparent in everything i do. So far, i’ve had the chance to work with the church’s children in their VBS, share my testimony, attend a service at a rehab center and witness what God is doing there. Our group is blessed with the greatest host church. Their willingness to serve us and make us as comfortable as possible is overwhelming. 
The biggest lesson i’ve learned is that you should never underestimate God. He can Take a heart of stone, and make it softer for his purpose.
I’d like to leave you with this verse:
you have multiplied, o Lord my God, your wonderous deeds and
your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! i will 
proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told
psalms 40:5

My name is Colin Priest and this is my first missions trip outside of the United States. It’s always been on my heart to go to a third world country and minister to people i want to reach; the lost. Adventures in Missions made it possible for me. Its been about four days since i got here and i absolutely love it. The lord is moving andworking and its amazing! i get to witness it.
My Group has helped out with VBS ( which consisted of dancing, singing, playing, and praying with the kids), We got to go to a rehab center, attend church services, go to the park and play with the locals, and there is even more to come this week. We have been privlaged to share our testimonies and out faith to various groups of people. we are bringing the Gospel of christ to the lost and nothing is more satisfying.
One major frustration for me is the language barrier. it’s aggravating that im so limited in my speech when im trying to talk to these people. But the people are great! They love the Lord. They are slefless servants and are a complete blessing. They love talking (or at least trying to talk) to me and its alot of fun learning as much as i can. i am learning to step outside of my comfort zone for the sake of the gospel and the lost.
Our leader Carlos, is great and he has been such a huge help, and a major blessing. (mostly because he translates for us haha!) but also for my group. We are growing closer and closer together and are learning to truely love each other. we do devotionals and pray together daily. as far as housing, the beds are comfortable, the bathrooms arent bad at all, and the showers have warm water. We eat three DELICIOUS meals a day and do everything together as a group.
Like i said before, i have been more than blessed on this trip. Living in another culture can be a little challenging for me, but with God he makes it happen. All glory to him for this life changing experience. Adios!

Hope you guys enjoyed hearing from them…
God Bless