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This update is to let the friends, family, and Church of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in Ohio that the team has arrived! Everyone is currently resting, as they had a long trip–but everyone is safe, healthy, –and with all of their luggage!

Please pray for the team as they rest and settle in, then begin ministry tomorrow!

11 responses to “The Team Has Arrived!”

  1. We will be praying for your safety and a great ministry experience. Stay cool and hydrated.

  2. Praying for joy, blessings, fun, ralationships, spiritual awareness,safety, and lots of work accomplished!!! 🙂

  3. Glad you all made it . We will be praying for all of you . Still hot here but not unbearable. Proud of all of you. Kim cates

  4. Praying for your group and keep NW Ohion in your prayers too as some folks are still without power and hot weather conditions do not help.