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On Monday, we began the day by cleaning rooms at a school. We got to spray the walls down with a hose (cool… I know!). Even thought the cleaning was hard work, we were all able to laugh and enjoy the time we spent there.
When we went back after lunch, we got to listen to children play instruments. Not only did we get work done, but we were able to make new relationships.
-Kaitlyn Schimmoeller


While cleaning at the school across the street, there were boys playing soccer. They came over and ask if we would like to play with them. So a few of us went over to play.
Once we got over there we realized that we were not very good compared to them. Even though we weren’t as good, they went easy on us as we played.
When we went to leave they were all grateful that we played with them, one boy even went around and shook all of our hands!

 -Anna R.

*Photos by Kristen

2 responses to “Some Work with a Lot of Play!”

  1. Thanks for the update! Looks like all is going well there. We were excited to see the pics and look forward to more! Love to all, from not so cool, Findlay, OH-IO!!!! God is good!

  2. It is great to see pictures and hearing things are going good. Can’t wait until the next update. Keep up the good work . Proud of all of you. Kim