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We have arrived!! Our team made it safely to Costa Rica from all over the U.S. on Saturday afternoon. Many members of our team were able to meet up at the airport and we were excited to see others who were wearing the green AIM shirt!

The greeting from the church was amazing. We felt so welcomed, balloons, crowds clapping and music drawing us in the church. We spent our first evening participating in a worship service for the teenagers. We were excited to see the young people praising the Lord. Three of our young adult girls; Jamie, Erin and Amie shared their testimonies with the youth as well. 
The church service on Sunday morning was filled with blessings. We were humbled by the genuine and heartfelt worship. Members of the church prayed with us, and for us and we felt extremely honored and moved. On Sunday afternoon we had the opportunity to visit the local park to minister to the children and their parents. We were able to blow bubbles, paint fingernails and faces, draw with sidewalk chalk and jump rope among many other activities with the local kids. We felt blessed to interact with the families and share the love of Jesus with them. Many members of our team have been able to share their testimonies and the Word. We are off to a great start and we are excited about what the Lord has for the remainder of our trip!!
Each day, a couple of our team members will write a short update about their experiences so far.
Bob: Had a chance to give my testimony and experience the Holy Spirit work among the congregation. Thanks to the presence of God and His love and the Holy Spirit. Bob is here from Chicago, Illinois.
Barry: This team consists of Amie, Candice, Emily, Madison and Molly. Each were touched by members of the Sunday morning congregation that stepped up to pray for them and each were involved in special relationships in the park at town center in Santa Cruz. I gave a testimony at the Sunday morning service. It was truly amazing to witness the I believe 6 people be saved at the Sunday morning service. Barry is here from Lexington, Kentucky.
Tay: After waking up to two of the loudest roosters crowing back and forth, my day started off great! My lost luggage (guitar) came in! The Sunday Church service here was amazing and very joyous. The group is opening up more and more and our outreach in the park turned out very successful! Tay is here from Monroe, North Carolina.
Norma: Those of you that know, I am Costa Rican and was adopted. During service the Lord told me in my being that He is my Father and look around. You have many mothers and brothers and sisters, the Body of Christ is my family and I need not look further. This has set me free. My search for my family is no longer needed because I have had them in my life all along. Thank you my mothers, my sisters, brothers, and my spiritual Fathers. Norma is here from Smithville, North Carolina.
We just wanted to ask everyone at home to really keep us all in your prayers this week as we go out and spread God’s Word and His love. For some of us, things like door to door ministry and worshiping the way they do in Costa Rica is a new and first time experience. So pray that we can all feel comfortable participating in whatever ways God sees fit for each of us. God has certainly shown himself here already in the short two days here, and we’re all very excited in finding out what else He’s got planned for us the rest of the week.
Thank you all and God Bless!!
In God, the AIM team in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica!

2 responses to “Santa Cruz”

  1. So glad to hear what a wonderful experience you are all having. God Bless you and the villagers you touch with your Faith. I know you will all grow in Christ this week and open your hearts to so much more. Great to hear you are all safe. Thank you Erin for letting us know you were there safely it was the best Birthday and Father’s Day gift to know u were OK. Love and Peace to all. Laura Scanlon