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We´re here in Costa Rica breaking down more than just language barriers. We are getting to do God´s work and have some genuine, eye opening conversations with the locals. During one of the two breaks the students get during their school day we had a few children come up and begin speaking to Pat (group leader) and I. Since I can speak Español (mas o menos), Pat called me over to translate the questions that she wanted to ask the students. Javier, one of the students, was especially excited to speak to us. The kids had just gotten back to school after a four week break. It was extremely refreshing to see kids who have a passion for learning that is not present every where. Our last question to him was if he was excited when Costa Rica won their first game in the World Cup and he couldn´t help but smile and nod his head.

What a blessing it is to be surrounded by Costa Ricans that are extremely receptive and welcoming of us. We thank God every moment for the beautiful interactions and the people we have been blessed to encounter.

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God Bless!