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Today is our fourth day of ministry! How time flies! Last night, students were invited to the church service here on campus. What an experience! Although the songs were in Spanish, we all praised God with dancing, jumping, and singing. Many students said it was the best service they had ever been to! Jeff Campell was the guest speaker last night, and he spoke on how to live life to the fullest. How fitting!
Today our group was invited to an elementary school to share VBS. We send three groups in the morning, while the fourth group stayed on campus and helped mix concrete for the new building. Team members put on a VBS for the morning session of young children (K-3) and the afternoon session of older children (4-6).
We also have many oppurtunities for ministry this afternoon and evening. There will be a group leading a home church ministry and another group will head to a sister church and a few student will share their testimony. Tomorrow is our last day of ministry, and for Costa Rican students it is also the last day of school before a three week break. We will be celebrating with students with both a morning and afternoon session at a local kindergarten. We look forward to face painting, dancing, singing, and sharing the love of Jesus. So far this week has been as remarkable as this group of students. So many came ready to serve and to love others! It has been a pleasure to serve alongside these students. Thank you for your continued prayers! 

One response to “Greetings from Liberia – Part IV”

  1. We are enjoying reading all your updates. Sounds like you are in a beautiful place and doing great things!!
    We are Scott Cardone’s grandparents from Simi Valley Ca. Say hello to Scott for us and continue to have a fantastic journey in Costa Rica !!!

    Papa and Gram