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Costa Rica is a country of lush rainforests, amazing mountains, rich coffee, and people full of love and hospitality. About a dozen youth from Cristo La Roca Iglesia, along with their leaders and myself, worked alongside Pastor Marcos Ávila for a week of ministry in San José. 

On the final day of ministry we drove up the mountainside to visit to an elementary school. At previous schools during the week we helped the students with their English and shared about life in the States. When we arrived at este escuela our group felt led to be a little bolder with what we were allowed to do. We sang some Christian songs, and afterwards some of our youth shared their testimonies. 

Throughout the time un poco de los niños were trying to be the class payasos. Others were waiting for the games. As we began to close, so the games could begin, we ended with a call to prayer.

Nuestro youth pastor, Soira, invited all who wanted prayer to forward.

At first there was an awkward silence… As the silence progressed the children began to get antsy…Then he came forward. Very timidly, one little boy made his way forward, looking back to see if he had the approval of his peers. Some gave looks of curiosity, some upset because game time would be further delayed, others completely disinterested.

As he made it up front he boldly asked for prayer for his familia. Seemingly alone he approached Jesucristo just like the woman in Luke 8:43-48. Admiring his courage the Lord met him through un varón named Adrian from Colorado.

Mark 10:13-16 NIV

The Little Children and Jesus

13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.


Adrian was God’s choice for that time to help nurture a small mustard seed of courage and faith that will allow this young boy to begin his journey with the Lord. How could any of us have known what God had planned during this Encounter trip? As Jesus calls us to make him known, we never know how he plans to use us. We can only just trust and obey the call. Perhaps you too may not know why God is calling you to go, but simply just respond with boldness.


Vaya con Díos y Pura Vida 


Marcos 10:13-16 (NVI)

Jesús y los niños

13 Empezaron a llevarle niños a Jesús para que los tocara, pero los discípulos reprendían a quienes los llevaban. 14 Cuando Jesús se dio cuenta, se indignó y les dijo: «Dejen que los niños vengan a mí, y no se lo impidan, porque el reino de Dios es de quienes son como ellos. 15 Les aseguro que el que no reciba el reino de Dios como un niño, de ninguna manera entrará en él.» 16 Y después de abrazarlos, los bendecía poniendo las manos sobre ellos.