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Noches de Costa Rica!


Today (Saturday) the
team had a “fun day”, which included going to a national park at an
active volcano, lunch at a local restaurant, and shopping in an open air
market. After a week of powerful ministry, it was a great time to play and
enjoy God’s incredible creation.


Tomorrow (Sunday) is
their last full day in Costa Rica. The students are ministering in several
different church services, so please be praying for them as they sing, perform
dramas, give testimonies, and teach God’s Word. The afternoon will be filled
with football matches, attending birthday parties, and going out into the
community. Pray for them as they say good-bye to those they’ve been ministering
to and prepare to leave.


I will post
pictures from the trip after I return to the States, however; here is a group
picture taken at the volcano earlier this afternoon.


Dios te