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Here are some stories from ministry today, in the words of your students! Praise God for all He has done and will continue to do in and through them!
Natalie- During a prayer walk, we were welcomed into a house in our community, where we saw a woman lying on the couch. She had cancer. Part of our team was outside of the house, praying, when a man walked by. He was a Christian and had cancer as well. When he was in the hospital, he led over 30 people to Christ! He came inside and prayed with us for the woman- and then shared the gospel with everyone in the room!
Ariana– I read a tract to a girl who couldn’t read and she accepted Christ. Her brother came over, and I told him about Jesus- and then he accepted Christ too!
Rachel- During our prayer walk, it seemed like nothing was happening and I was getting discouraged. We even walked down a road that was a dead end. When we walked by a yellow house, we heard music. Our team started dancing in the street. People came out to join us and soon we began talking and praying with them. A woman videotaped us from her house. It was a lot of fun!
Collette- When we prayed before our prayer walk, our group saw different things: an eyeball, sun, the phrase “When in doubt, go to the right”. During our walk, there was a point where we didn’t know where to go. A verse came into my head: “Be still and know that I am God”. We turned right, and not long after that God led us to people to talk with.
Ashley- At high school, there were girls who wanted to know about Christ. I went through the tract I had. Tabitha also had a group of girls who wanted to hear about Christ. She went through the tract with them as well.
During the ATL (“Ask The Lord”), God told them to go to a hill they’d never walked up before. They saw a man breaking up the pavement on his driveway. They stopped to help and invited him to church.
Brad Mock-  The one thing I thought wouldn’t happen was that people would walk up to us and say, “Tell me about Jesus” without us doing anything. Today at the school it happened. A group of girls came up to me and said those words, so I grabbed Ashley and Tabitha and had them share with the girls.
Christina- During our prayer before the ATL, I saw burnt orange and a beautiful woman, someone who isn’t just physically beautiful but inwardly as well. But burnt orange was everywhere–every other gate is orange! Then we met this woman who lived in a house with a burnt orange gate. She was a Christian and we were able to encourage each other.
Kyle- I get nervous speaking in front of people, but I was able to share my testimony today- and it wasn’t something I’d prepared! I wasn’t afraid either!
Hannah- I didn’t think that 20 people could pray together about a direction and agree on where to go for our ATL, but it happened. All of us saw the color yellow and some type of bird. It’s amazing to me that God would give us such similar things. We didn’t have time to do the ATL, so we prayed for the construction workers and cooks at our church instead. Tomorrow we will go out and follow what God gave us. I’m excited to see what it is!
Haley- When we went to the retirement home, we sang “Mighty to Save” and I started to cry because I could feel God’s presence. I had a conversation with a lady who only spoke Spanish. We couldn’t understand each other, but the woman cried when I left. I know God used me to make an impact on her.