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Today the team split into groups. They went to schools, nearby parks, local communities, and evening church services for ministry. Here are stories from today!


Caleb Holt-
Prayed for a guy during our time of ATL!


Kyle and Craig– Someone
we met today said they would come to church tonight!


Olivia- Asked God
to help her overcome her shyness and today she talked with three high school


Haley- Today I
shared a tract with a girl. God answered my prayer! I was able to overcome my fear
of not speaking Spanish!


Caleb- For today’s
ATL, we only had twenty-five minutes to go out, but God used that time to lead
us to a man who was happy to see us.


Hannah, Mallory, and
Spent a lot of time in prayer before the ATL but were frustrated
that they didn’t have a lot of time to meet people. Yet God led them to a
homeless man who they shared a Bible verse with and their faith. They heard the
song “From the Inside Out” in their prayers and then it was played during
worship this afternoon! That is totally God!


Christian- Saw
the sun today and sat by a window in the church. I saw God’s creation and a
beautiful view!


Collette- Shared
poem and reading about Jesus. Was able to plant seeds about Him.


Craig- Talked
with two guys today with in Spanish. They had a great spiritual conversation!

2 responses to “Christ Community Church- Ministry in La Pura Vida”

  1. How awesome it is to read these stories of these young people stepping out in faith and having such great encounters with God! Good Job! We are so proud of all of you!

  2. I can’t wiat to get to work to read the stories of the great things that are happening to everyone. How you are bringing Christ into the lives of others and sharing your love of the lord with everyone they come into contact with. Truely AWESOME! I can’t wait to hear about the experience in person.