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Buenos Noches from Costa Rica!
The team is loving it here in San Jose, Costa Rica. Last night, the three churches we are staying in had a huge service welcoming us. There were cultural dances, worship, and a lot of fellowship and laughter. We felt so welcome, and so humbled that they would do something like this for us!
Today was the first full day of ministry. The team split into groups and went into schools in the morning, meeting students, playing games, and talking with them. This afternoon we met and talked about the importance of prayer in our lives and in ministry, then part of the group went to a church service this evening.
The trip is going well. Each afternoon the group meets together, worships, talks about what God is doing, and prays for those they meet. They are growing in unity, being challenged in their faith, and are so passionate about serving Him! It’s an honor to be their project leader!
We’ll continue to post as often as we can. I also wanted to let you know that there is another trip to Costa Rica happening starting June 18th, and that team will also use this blog. I’ll always title blog posts with “Christ Community Church” in the subject line (like above) and the other team will title their’s “Santa Cruz”. We hope to avoid as much confusion as possible by doing this!

Thank you all for praying! We are praying for you as well!


2 responses to “Christ Community Church- 1st Day of Ministry!”

  1. It sounds like God is truly working in the hearts of you and the people you’re ministering to! I’m so glad to hear that you’re covering that place in prayer. You’re friends and family back home are also praying over your efforts daily. We all miss you but we know you’re doing God’s will! 🙂
    Can’t wait to hear all about it once you return.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Morgan S.

  2. I love Costa Rica, it is wonderful that you are helping! Will you be helping the girls orphanage as well?