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Christy, the project leader here for the July 4th- July 13th project.  To check out more blogs go to: this is the ambassador costa rica blog that I have been … Read more about Redirect


The past few days have been amazing.  We have all bonded so close as a team, and each person brings something unique to the team.  Today, we started VBS and have had such a great time … Read more about Blessings…

We are here!!!

The ambassador team for July 4th- July 13th made it safely yesterday as scheduled.   After an interesting packing job of luggage about 5 feet high we headed to the city of Las Juntas in the … Read more about We are here!!!

Home Page

In a world in need what will you do to help? Have a heart for Costa Rica? Want to know more about Costa Rica? Going to Costa Rica? Check out our Costa Rica blog, subscribe, tell a friend, and get … Read more about Home Page